Auto Purchasing Consultant
Auto Purchasing Consultant

Auto Purchasing Consultant is a full service auto purchasing consultant business developed to work for the buyer. It is my goal to make every part of purchasing a vehicle a pleasant experience. With a lifetime of automobile experience, I am able to assist with many aspects of the purchasing process from start to finish.
Pre Purchase Evaluation / Inspection - Having me evaluate a future purchase will give you the confidence that you are buying a good vehicle.
Vehicle Purchasing - I purchase vehicles on a daily basis, you do it once every 3 - 5 years, This is an opportunity to have over 30 years of experience working for you.
Vehicle Appraisals - Having a vehicle valued properly.
Estate Values - Assuring an estate is valued properly will make all parties involved feel more comfortable to move forward whether it being personal or court ordered.
Trade - In Vehicle - Your trade vehicle is worth money to you, I will assist in maximizing the value.
Selling Your Vehicle - This can be very time consuming and frustrating. Having an experienced consultant assist will save you both time and frustration.
Diminished Value - Accidents happen and your car is not worth the same amount even after it is fixed.
Title Clerk Service - My title clerk will be able to complete the title work for your purchase. Everyone forgets about the time it takes going to the State to complete the title process.
Transportation Services - After helping purchase a new vehicle, I can assist in delivering it to your home.
I am able to assist with just about anything that is involved in purchasing a vehicle. I will do everything I can to make your purchase as smooth as possible.

Auto Purchasing Consultant works only for you. I don't assist dealers or private parties to sell you a car. My job is to look out for your best interests and only that. I do not accept commissions or kickback payments from any selling party. The only payment that Auto Purchasing Consultant receives is the agreed amount between us.
Vehicle purchases are a daily event for me at Auto Purchasing Consultant. For most people purchasing a new or pre-owned automobile happens every 3 - 5 years. If you have the opportunity to have a professional car buyer do all the work, how could you pass it up? Do you really want to spend hours on the computer or driving from dealer to dealer looking for a car? You could be trapped at a dealership for countless hours and forced to deal with a salesmen that has gone through sales training seminars on a weekly basis to pressure you to buy a vehicle that you may not really want. Auto Purchasing Consultant takes care of all that for you.
When looking at vehicles, you may get there to find that it is not a nice car like the seller said. More times than not this is the case, almost normal practice. Most sellers, dealers or private owners think that if they can just get you to look at the car, you will buy it. Yes this is true, if you run into a good salesperson they will be able to sell you a vehicle whether it's a good car or not. You are just a number or an up to a salesperson in the car business, and your needs are not at the top of their list. Selling you a car is the only thing that matters, any car, good or bad. Auto Purchasing Consultant works for you to find you exactly what you need. We can do this with a phone conversation or I can come to your home or office and discuss what is best for you. I am here for my client's best interest.
E.J. 772-631-2442