Auto Purchasing Consultant
Estate Values
The need for an “estate value” may be necessary in the event of the passing of a family member or friend. You may be faced with needing to providing an “estate value” on a vehicle that has been left in an estate. I will be able to provide professional assistance in evaluating the estate value of a vehicle giving you piece of mind through a difficult time.
Auto Purchasing Consultant can assure that either in advance or as a condition of your will, that your heirs receive the real value of your vehicles. If you are trying to settle an estate, I can give impartial valuations to help heirs determine how to divide the estate fairly. Larger estates facing estate taxes can also protect against over payment of taxes.
Divorce or bankruptcy are both an experience none of us really like to deal with. Often determining a vehicle’s value must be decided by the court. An impartial appraisal will help prevent a court or attorney from determining what your vehicle is worth. Deteriorated vehicles have lower than book values. The courts go strictly by the book and may overvalue your vehicle if it is damaged or not running. The correct adjusted value can only be presented to the court with a formal appraisal. Having an appraisal to determine the fair market value for the vehicle in question can save thousands of dollars.
E.j. 772-631-2442